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Summary and response Essay Assignment

Summary and Response Essay

Q Writing the Summary and Response Assignment Your next essay will start with a short summary of an article/essay. Choose one of the articles to work on and first post the title and a short response on the discussion board. Read the article several times and then follow the instructions below and on the college webpages which discuss summary before writing your complete and careful summary. Strive for accuracy in your paraphrase and summary. Remember your summary should be condensed and short, no longer than one page unless your original article is very long. Your response, however, should be much longer and more elaborate, so that your final paper should be four pages or so long. General advice for writing summaries at Oakton: Summary: • Get the information about the author and the title into the document early, perhaps with something like this statement: “According to Isabel Archer in her article on social behavior....” • Focus on the main points. • Keep your tone neutral. Remember your job is to capture the author’s attitude and ideas as accurately as possible. • Don’t quote more than a sentence. Most of the summary should be in your own words. • Don’t forget to include a Works Cited list. Response: After you’ve presented your summary, you should write a response. • The response can take any form you like: a personal connection to the topic; an analysis of the content, author’s attitude and tone, approach to the audience (that is, a rhetorical analysis); a follow up with other information; or something else, as long as it is connected to the article, organized, achieves a purpose, and has careful documentation of quotations and paraphrased materials. • As with other major assignments, you should upload this in the Assignments section as an MSWord document for comments from the instructor and in your Groups folder for peer review. • This and every essay will need to be revised at least once before the end of the term.

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